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Thank you for being involved with our affiliate program. I’m very excited to be working with you! Here are a couple notes for you to save and remember:
  1. Russell Jaffe’s LRA tests are currently the only tests that are involved with our affiliate program. This may change in the future.
You can find the link to all the tests in the affiliate program here:
  1. Login URL
Visit this URL:
  1. You will receive 20% of every LRA sale created
If you wish to send someone to a specific test, you can either create the link using the tool in the program (see image below) or you can simply ask, and I can create one for you.
  1. Dashboard metrics
In your Affiliate Dashboard, you can see a number of items relevant to your affiliate profile. You can see recent sales you’ve helped create, dollar amounts, how many people have clicked your links, etc. Please see example image below:
  1. Payouts
You will be paid by check. Thank you again for being involved in our affiliate program! Sincerely, Justin Welton
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