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ABC Diet: What Is It, Why It's Dangerous and What Can You Get From It?

The Ana Boot Camp or ABC Diet is a diet that promotes weight loss through severe calorie restriction. The aim of the ABC Diet is to consume low calories in such a way that the body does not go into hunger mode despite being very low calorie. It is developed to reduce calorie consumption day after day. Before we continue, rather than the ABC Diet, we would highly recommend other diets such as living the Alkaline Way which focuses on whole foods in a more balanced approach. The ABC Diet can be difficult to follow and we don't recommend it as a short-term or long-term option. With that said, here is more information on the ABC Diet.  

The ABC diet helps to boost the body’s metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss. A high percentage of people want to use anything to drop extra weight including the use of more serious diets. A typical diet, Ana Boot Camp (ABC Diet) could be a short-term option for you, but isn't ideal. Using the Military Diet, although not ideal either, is at least short-term. You do it for a handful of days and move on to another more balanced, structured diet. The ABC Diet lasts for weeks which causes pause in the health community. You may ask: Does the ABC Diet work?

The answer is “Yes”. The principle behind the diet is that you can sensibly use any foodstuff on any day but the caloric level of the diet should not exceed a real value in the plan on a given day. Most of the calories you expend each day is used to keep all the systems in your body functioning properly. For example, and we'll show the stages in a moment, for the first 10 days you won't exceed 500 calories. As you move throughout the duration of the 10 days, you'll get even lower. Not only is this really difficult to achieve, it may cause other health factors such as trouble breathing, dizziness, etc. It's like one of those commercials you see on television -- a product promotes X but has side effects of Y, Z, and the rest of the alphabet. Is it worth it? Let us now understand how the ABC Diet works.

How does the ABC Diet Work?
ABC Diet is a "50 Day Plan" divided into five phases. Each phase has 10 days except the 4th and 5th phases. The 4th phase has five days while the 5th phase has 15 days. Each phase of this diet plan is based on daily calorie intake. On this plan, you have to eat very specific kind of foods, especially vegetables and fruits. Drinking plenty of water is mandatory in this diet. Here we have all the five phases based on daily calories intake of ABC Diet plan:
Phase 1 – First 10 Days
  • Eat a day’s worth of 500 calories for the first 2 days.
  • Reduce it to 300 on Day 3.
  • Then, the next day increase the calorie intake to 400.
  • Decrease it to only 100 on day 5.
  • After that increase it to 200 calories.
  • From day 7 – 9 increase 100 calories every day until you reach 500.
  • On day 10, do not eat anything. Keep a fast.
Phase 2 –Day 11 to Day 20
  • Start this period with 150 calories.
  • Then you need to increase it to 200.
  • On next day increase it to 400.
  • Then gradually decrease your calorie intake to 350 to 250 and then 200.
  • On the 7th day, you have to fast.
  • On the eighth day, take 200 calories.
  • Take 100 calories on the 9th day.
  • End this period by keeping a fast on the tenth.
Phase 3 – Day 21 to Day 30
  • Start day 21 by consuming 300 calories and then eventually decrease 50 calories every day until you reach 50 calories per day.
  • Then consume 100 calories followed by 200 calories for the next two days.
  • Increase it to 300 and then on 9th day consume 800 calories.
  • End this period by fasting on your 30th day.
Phase 4 – Day 31 to Day 34
  • Start this phase by eating 250 calories, and then increase it by 100 calories for the next 2 days.
  • Fast on the 4th day.
Phase 5 – Day 35 to Day 50
  • This is the longest period in this diet plan. Start the phase with 500 calories and then keep reducing it by 50 calories per day until you reach 200 calories on the seventh day. Consume 200 calories on the eighth day
  • Take 250 calories on the 9th day and then reduce it to 200 on the tenth day. Increase it to 300 calories and then reduce it to 200 then 150.
  • End the ABC diet meal plan with a fast.
Risks of the ABC Diet:
As mentioned several times above, it's important to know that there are risks associated with this diet and we don't recommend it. While under this diet, your body will get used to saving energy as the calorie intake is minimal. When you complete the ABC diet, your body will continue to save the calories and may store even more body fat than before. Low blood sugar is one risk of the ABC diet and leads to low energy levels. Therefore it is likely that you feel dizziness. The risk of losing muscle mass and osteoporosis is very high and due to lack of essential vitamins, even organ damage can be caused too. There are other risks of the diet too including:
  1. Malnutrition
  2. Fatigue
  3. Paranoia Sensitivity
  4. Depression
  5. Light-headedness
  6. Weakness and black outs
Before going on this meal plan you should be careful about this diet. Many health professionals or nutritionists do not advise people to follow this diet because it may trigger anorexia. It is a disease which prevents people from eating and harms people’s health.
Some of the Common side effects of ABC Diet are:
  • You will have trouble in breathing
  • Dry Skin
  • Joint pain
  • Low blood pressure
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Dizziness
What are the benefits of ABC Diet?
Most of the people will go on this meal plan because they are overweight or fat and want to lose weight instantly. ABC Diet supports in burning calories and lose weight. It supports in stimulating your body to use the pre-stored fat in your body for energy production.
Is The ABC Diet safe for weight loss?
Consult your doctor before jumping into any weight loss program. This couldn't be more the case in regard to the ABC Diet. Again, we don't recommend this diet at all. You would be much better suited to live the Alkaline Way. Other diet options you could look into are the following: PiYo Diet, Omni Diet, Shibboleth Diet and Gracie Diet.
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