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Everything you need to know about delayed hypersensitivities

What are delayed hypersensitivities? Let’s start at the beginning and sort out all of the terminology you may be reading about. There are different categories of reactions from the immune system. We have four (4) immune pathways. First, there are immediate reactions. These are called IgE and is the Type 1 pathway. These reactions are happening right away, in most cases 30 minutes or less. A RAST test is used to identify these. Symptoms can include hives, swelling, itching, impaired breathing, even anaphylaxis. This response is an allergy – not a delayed sensitivity or an intolerance. The second (Type 2 pathway) is the reactive antibody – think IgG, IgA, IgM. The third (Type 3 pathway) is the immune complex and fourth (Type 4 pathway) is the T cell response. These are all delayed responses. Meaning, the reaction is happening after a three-hour period of time but not limited to that three hours, maybe three weeks. Detecting an antibody in the system does not necessarily mean that you’re having a current/active response. It means you have an antibody. That’s not always a bad thing considering antibodies can also have a protective role in our immune system but it’s not the best way of looking at your delayed sensitivities. As you can see by this breakdown that looking only at the presence of an IgG is not a complete view of the system’s activity.

What causes delayed hypersensitivities?

A major advancement in medicine is our expanded understanding of the immune system and its important role in general health and wellness. Medical science has come to recognize that the immune system has defense as well as repair components. The defense component of the immune system fights off the foreign “invaders” that create disease, while the repair component restores tissue and organs from damage that the disease state may have caused. Simply stated, our bodies were designed to defend while we’re awake and repair at night while we’re asleep. When this doesn’t happen, our system becomes overburdened. If either the defense or repair function becomes overburdened or overstressed, immune dysfunction and disease may result. Recent studies have shown that when the defense elements (lymphocytes) are mobilized against the effects of foreign antigens, the vital repair process is deferred. Organs and tissue weaken over time, and the body’s ability to fight off future assaults is reduced. The effect of immune system dysfunction can be chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that often defy treatment. Causes of repair deficit can be:
  1. Chronic deferral of necessary routine repair due to distress, toxin excess or lack of essential nutrients.
  2. Depletion of buffering mineral reserve with consequent intracellular acidosis
  3. Immunologic overload from repeated exposure to reactive items
  4. Impaired activity patterns
  5. Chronic stress, extreme stress responses

How do I heal delayed hypersensitivities?

The bad news is that healing from delayed hypersensitivities isn’t as easy as doing a blood test and taking a pill and it’s all over. The good news is you can restore tolerance! It’s important to look at the factors that caused the situation to begin with. Ask yourself:
  • Are you getting restorative sleep every night?
  • Are you hydrated?
  • How do you respond to stressful situations?
  • Do you detox regularly?
  • Are you getting fun, sweaty activity (known as exercise or movement)?
  • Do you spend time in nature?
Over 100,000 toxins have been introduced to our world in the last 50 years. We were not designed to handle that kind of a toxic load. A regular detox program can help keep our systems clean and in good working order but that shouldn’t be the only plan. We also need to enhance our immune defenses— Apply the results of your LRA by ELISA/ACT test. Avoid or substitute your reactive items for the recommended time periods. (3 months for moderate items, 6 months for strong items) Those reactive items are creating a substantial load on your immune system. By reducing the immunologic load (unaddressed delayed hypersensitivities) and adding alkalinizing foods you’ll be able to improve your immune defense performance. Improved immune defense performance means reduced or eliminated host hospitality to chronic infection of any kind. This also means enhanced repair, reduced inflammation, and better anti-cancer surveillance. In summary, to detoxify, repair, and rebuild the immune system can take time. Work on one or two of these life upgrades at a time:
  1. Substitute reactive items as well as add health promoting foods
  2. Targeted supplementation to support detoxification, gut health/healing, and repletion of essential nutrients
  3. Incorporate deep breathing, meditation, prayer, quiet time
  4. Spend time in nature, play outdoor games, go for a walk, or dance
  5. Hydrate well and often
  6. Experience restorative sleep
Once you’ve mastered them add another one or two. Be patient while you’re healing. The LRA (lymphocyte response assay) delayed allergy tests or delayed hypersensitivity tests are known for their reliability, reproducibility & accuracy of 97%+. Delayed allergies can contribute to many chronic conditions including: migraines, autoimmune problems, lupus, fibromyalgia, asthma, diabetes, thyroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few. Identifying common foods and chemicals that are stressing your immune system can be the first step on your path to wellness. Please contact our customer service team via email at or call 877-894-8363 to order your test. Or, you can click here and find the test that best suits you.

About Melissa Crispell

Melissa Crispell is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Natural Health Provider, Certified Lifestyle Educator, Certified Wellness Coach, and Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist. That’s just during the work day! The rest of the day is spent as mom, Abuela (Abbie for short), coach, wife, cook, chauffeur, cheerleader, marathoner and triathlete. Melissa has been published in Living Well (local health magazine), DC Practice Insights (a national magazine to help Chiropractors grow their businesses) and Acupuncture Today. In addition, she has spoken at the, Functional Medicine Success Summit, The Easter Seals Annual Caregiver Conference, and the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She is a Member of Health Studies Collegium speaker’s bureau, and has given classes for Naturopathic Physicians, Chiropractors, Medical Doctors and other healthcare providers. Melissa has served almost 9 years as a Clinical Training Specialist for PERQUE Integrative Health, teaching physicians and providers all over the world how to grow their functional medicine practice using medical grade supplements and functional immunology. Melissa’s mission is to empower people of all health statuses to take control of their wellness journey. Melissa believes that when we have better information we make better choices. This includes debunking myths and sharing basic health concepts that are frequently overlooked. The future of healthcare is definitely self-care and we must take responsibility for our choices.
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