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HgbA1c: How to Lower A1c

Our customers have been wondering and asking how to lower a1c for a while now so we wanted to give a full write-up on how to do just that. Before we get into how to lower A1c level, we want to cover the test that checks your current levels. HgbA1c is the one marker (of the 8 predictive biomarkers for lifetime health) most often used to evaluate blood sugar, diabetic risk and insulin resistance. A decade ago, blood sugar was measured by testing glucose levels on a given day. However, blood glucose level reflects only activity over the previous 12 to 18 hours. In contrast, HgbA1c indicates the average blood sugar level for the previous three months. This is important because frequently patients have normal blood glucose on a given test day, but their HgbA1c levels could be elevated. Day-to-day blood glucose levels can fluctuate with exercise, meal timings or other medications. More importantly, high blood glucose levels tend not to be the norm until a person has advanced pre-diabetes. HgbA1c provides a much more reliable indication of actual, immediate risk. The least-risk goal for this marker is HgbA1c <5%. HgbA1c is a marker of insulin resistance and when it is elevated, that means the body is no longer properly managing blood sugar levels. When this number is elevated, that also strongly suggests a tendency toward higher inflammation throughout the body. HgbA1c marks insulin resistance; when levels are elevated (HgbA1c >5 %), that means the body is no longer properly managing blood sugar levels. Elevated levels also strongly suggest a tendency toward higher inflammation throughout the body. How to Lower A1c Research has shown that insulin resistance and pre-diabetes can frequently be improved with diet and exercise. HgbA1C provides a reliable test to evaluate the effects of dietary and nutritional support programs.

How to lower A1c:

We often are asked how to lower A1C level often so we decided to make a list of ways to do so. Note: before you take your health into your own hands, it is best to consult your doctor. 1. Test your Hgba1c level In order to first know how to lower a1c level, you must know where you currently stand, right? How else would you track results and lower your Hgba1c level? You can purchase your Hgba1c test here. The High Sensitivity Hemoglobin A1C test result reflects your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months. Specifically, the A1C test measures what percentage of your hemoglobin — a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen — is coated with sugar (glycated). The higher your A1C level, the poorer your blood sugar control. And if you have previously been diagnosed with diabetes, the higher the A1C level, the higher your risk of diabetes complications. People who have diabetes need this test regularly to see if their levels are staying within range. 2. Make a plan Now that you know your Hgba1c level, it's time to plan! We're all different. I get that. But, and I find this to be the case more often than not, when people have a plan to follow, it's much easier to see the results. Set goals, suggest steps you can improve upon and challenge yourself to get better day by day. 3. Exercise more Finding time to exercise in today's busy world can be extremely difficult to achieve, but is absolutely necessary to lower A1c Level. It doesn't have to be elaborate exercises—walk as much as you can during the day. Play a sport with your friends. Ride a stationary bike. Take the stairs when there is an elevator close by. Before starting your work day at a sedentary job, do 20 squats. Before you get in the shower at night, do 100 sit-ups, maybe some pushups. If you add exercises throughout your day, combined with walking as much as you possibly can, it all will add up. Finally, when you get the opportunity to exercise a little bit more than you normally would, take it! It's not the perfect workout routine, but this increase in exercise throughout the day will be a nice progression for you to take that next step in your life, and it will ultimately help lower your A1C level. 4. Eat "The Alkaline Way"

You are what you eat, drink, think and do! Health is more about choice than chance. For over 20 years, world-renowned researcher Russell Jaffe MD, PhD, CCN and his team at PERQUE Integrative Health & ELISA/ACT Biotechnologies have offered this great program to help people progress to sustainable, optimal health.

The Alkaline Way is a personalized eating and lifestyle plan. It can help individuals:
  • Create immune resilience
  • Improve digestion
  • Achieve healthier bones and joints
  • Get more restful, restorative sleep
  • Decrease illnesses and infections

What you will learn from The Alkaline Way:

Follow the Alkaline Way Health is a matter of balance. Our bodies need to balance acid and alkaline properties in our cells: more acid cells leads to loss of cell resilience and increased illness. The Alkaline Way helps you choose foods and activities that will tip the scale toward a healthier and more alkaline state. Substitute for Reactive Foods Learn about hidden allergies and how a simple blood test, called the hsLRA (high-sensitivity lymphocyte response assay), can identify items that are burdening your immune system and blocking your path to optimal health. Master the Seven Key Principles There are seven fundamental principles behind the Alkaline Way. In addition to eating predominantly alkaline-forming foods, the Alkaline Way helps you choose high-quality, nutrient-dense foods that don't provoke an immune reaction in your body. Balance your Mind-Body Connection Inertia, tension and stress are just a few of the sources of additional acid residue that deplete our bodies of essential nutrients. Try stress-busting lifestyle practices to steady the mind and fuel positive, peace-restoring, vitality-promoting results. Recipes and Menus Enjoy a wide selection of delicious, alkaline recipes for healthier breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. Recipes include how to make ghee, nut milks and healthier smoothies. Detox and Cleanse Detoxification is a natural process to eliminate toxins from our bodies, but the toxic burden of modern life makes it critical that we actively support this process. Use the simple but powerful Alkaline Way tools to help you effectively rid your body of toxic baggage. Supplement your Meals Effectively In addition to eating an immune-tolerant, alkaline-forming diet there are critical nutrients that only supplements can provide. Learn which five supplements provide a strong foundation for acid-alkaline balance. Start Out Right A simple and inexpensive morning pH test can reveal a lot about your acid-alkaline balance and your mineral reserves. The Alkaline Way explains how to do this simple test at home to learn this critical information. 5. Monitor your Hgba1c level Keep a running notebook of results of your HgbA1c even if your doctor is doing something similar. This will allow you to keep track of which exercises and other activities affect your blood sugar, and will allow you the opportunity to adjust where needed. The more information you have, the better you'll be. 6. Reevaluate your plan and evolve As the world evolves, so must we. After a couple weeks of your new plan, take a look and see where you can improve. If there are certain areas where you know you lack, make some improvements on how to get better in that area. We're not perfect, but we all can get better day by day.

More information about how to lower A1c

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