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Only 2.7% of US Adults Live a "Healthy" Lifestyle

Bike in gym Health in the United States is a major concern, no matter what age you may be. Child obesity is running rampant through the states, and the adults aren't exactly sending the best message to the youth with their eating habits either. In fact, they are just as obese if not more. Part of the issue is the foods we're subjected to, but the big problem lies with the people and their non-healthy lifestyle behavior. Just because fast food is regularly available to us does not mean we need to engage with such endeavors. I know it can be difficult to say "no" but maybe a recent study will be enough to raise your eyebrows to do something about it. According to a recent study done by researchers from Oregon State University and the University of Mississippi, only 2.7 percent of the U.S. adult population achieves all four of some basic behavioral characteristics that researchers say would constitute a "healthy lifestyle" and help protect against cardiovascular disease. In this study, researchers examined how many adults succeed in four general barometers that could help define healthy behavior: a good diet, moderate exercise, a recommended body fat percentage and being a non-smoker. It's the simple health advice given by doctors to patients across the world. These four characteristics are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as many other health problems including cancer and even type 2 diabetes. "The behavior standards we were measuring for were pretty reasonable, not super high," said Ellen Smit, senior author of the study and an associate professor in the Oregon State University College of Public Health and Human Sciences. "We weren't looking for marathon runners." In regards to the findings, Smit referenced the eye-popping low results, "This is pretty low, to have so few people maintaining what we would consider a healthy lifestyle," she said. "This is sort of mind boggling. There's clearly a lot of room for improvement." 2.7 percent is indeed mind boggling, and you don't need to be a doctor to notice that. It's important to understand just what you are putting into your body. Not many people, even in 2016, bother to read what's in what they're digesting. I think if they start understanding how their body works relative to food and water intake, they will begin to know what they should be doing with their body. Sometimes, you just need a plan. You need something to keep you in line. One thing that I recommend is the Alkaline Diet. It helps you understand the acid vs. alkaline balance in your diet. It helps you eat more whole foods in comparison to acid-rich options. Here are 34 Alkaline Diet Recipes for you to follow to help in your journey to ultimate health.
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