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LRA by ELISA/ACT® Case Study of a 58-Year-Old Female with Rhinitis

Prepared by Jayashree Mani, MS, CCN

HISTORY: Ever since Sara was a young child, she was constantly being taken to a physician’s office due to the following symptoms: (1) a perpetual cold, (2) constant sneezing, (3) a stuffy/runny nose,(4) an itchy throat, and (5) red, watery eyes. From childhood through young adulthood, her poor health persisted. It was an extremely difficult time in Sara’s life. She did not find a physician who could effectively heal her or explain what was wrong with her health. Only within the last year was Sara diagnosed with chronic, unresponsive allergic rhinitis.

PRIMARY PROBLEMS: Post nasal drip, constant sneezing, frequent headaches, and extreme fatigue (CFIDS).

THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS: Although Sara had visited a number of physicians to seek relief, they would always prescribe the same medications. Antihistamines and decongestants would give her immediate relief, but would never solve her underlying health problems. An allergy specialist recommended the RAST test for Sara. The results showed that she was allergic to dust, pollen, and grasses. Symptomatic treatment did not help.

Almost every night, Sara would wake up unable to swallow and short of breath. To make matters worse, Sara’s energy level was decreasing on a “daily basis”. She also was developing some minor digestive issues. Just as Sara had almost given up hope, she was introduced to the LRA by ELISA/ACT® tests through her health practitioner. The LRA by ELISA/ACT test was taken in July 2002. There were a total of 3 strong reactions and 8 moderate reactions out of 343 items tested.

STRONG REACTIONS: Cadmium, pyrene, clove

MODERATE REACTIONS: Antimony, propylene glycol, saccharine, green grape/raisin, candida albicans, pecan/pine, kale, Chinese ginseng.

IMPLEMENTATION: After receiving her test results, Sara scheduled a consultation with EAB's Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Jayashree Mani. During the consultation with Jayashree, Sara learned how to substitute for her strong and moderate reactions. She was shown how to add valuable nutrient supplements to her beneficial Alkaline Way diet.

INITIAL CLINICAL OUTCOME: Sara was a bit skeptical about the efficacy of the LRA by ELISA/ACT tests since no treatment program had ever given her any relief from her painful health condition. However, she decided to give it her best effort.

The first thing that Sara noticed after she started avoiding the reactive items on her LRA by ELISA/ACT tests results, was that her “post nasal drip” had stopped. Her sleep was much more restful and un-interrupted. She also no longer experienced a “heavy head” in the mornings, which had plagued her most of her adult life.

FIVE MONTHS LATER: After five months, Sara feels like a different person. She is no longer fatigued. An interesting point to note is that during the fall season her health usually is at its weakest point due the many inhalant allergy exposures. This year, however, while on the LRA by ELISA/ACT program she felt great. She has also overcome the sensitivity to grasses and pollen, which were her major RAST test reactions. Symptom suppressive antihistamines and steroids are not needed. She is now able to garden, which she had not been able to do for many years due to her ill health.

After six months, Sara intends to get retested and see how well her immune system has healed and to what items she may be sensitive.

Today, Sara’s health is stronger than ever, which she credits to the LRA by ELISA/ACT treatment program and The Alkaline Way diet plan.

ELISA/ACT BIOTECHNOLOGIES L LC • 109 Carpenter Dr. Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20164 phone: 703.450.2980 • 800.553.5472 • fax: 703.450.2981 • e-mail:

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