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LRA Case Study of 13-Year-Old Child With Diabetes

Prepared by Jayashree Mani, MS, CCN HISTORY: Bob was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 11 with consistent blood glucose readings in the 350 mg/dl range. At that time, his protein glycation measure of risk (HbA1c) was elevated at 8%. Type 1 diabetes, previously known as juvenile or insulin dependent diabetes, is a condition characterized by high blood glucose levels caused by a profound deficit in insulin production or function. Type 1 diabetes is generally considered to be an autoimmune condition. The body's immune system is stimulated to attack and destroy the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. As a result, the pancreas produces too little or no insulin. Type 1 diabetes develops most often in young people but can appear in adults. PRIMARY PROBLEMS: Type 1 diabetes and associated symptoms PRIMARY THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS: Bob’s main health goal was to reduce his glucose levels to a normal range. In order to achieve this goal, Bob’s physician prescribed human insulin for him. In addition to insulin, Bob’s uncle, who is a chiropractor, recommended niacinamide and acetylcholine as primary glucose-reducing agents. For a while, this treatment helped lower his glucose levels, and Bob’s need for insulin decreased gradually until his blood glucose could be maintained at normal levels without any external human insulin. Unfortunately, after about 18 months, Bob’s glucose levels started climbing again, and he had to go back on insulin. Starting at a low dose of 2-3 units of insulin a day, Bob reached a dosage level as high as 10 units 3 times a day, yet his glucose levels remained in the 300 mg/dl range. Bob’s parents were very concerned, yet they did not want to indiscriminately increase the insulin dosage. When discussing their concerns with Bob’s physician, they learned about the remarkable results he had achieved with many of his patients with autoimmune conditions through the use of the LRA by ELISA/ACT tests and treatment plan. Bob’s parents were eager for their son to have the LRA by ELISA/ACT test to see if Bob could benefit from this program as well. The LRA by ELISA/ACT was taken in January 2003. Bob had a total of 2 strong reactions and 13 moderate reactions. His specific reactions were: STRONG REACTIONS: Grapefruit and Plum/Prune MODERATE REACTIONS: Nickel (II) Chloride, Polysorbate 80, Agar gum, Bass, Peach, Pear, Baking Powder, Kelp/Seaweed, Tapioca, Oregano, Corn Sugar, Halogenated Biocide, Peony Flower Parts. LRA BY ELISA/ACT IMPLEMENTATION: After receiving his test results, Bob’s mother scheduled a consultation with EAB's Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Jayashree Mani, for a thorough explanation and interpretation of the LRA by ELISA/ACT results. Bob and his parents were accustomed to dealing with diet restrictions for diabetes, so the dietary and environmental modifications suggested by the LRA by ELISA/ACT results were not too difficult to understand or implement. Jayashree also discussed The Alkaline Way diet and the role of adequate nutritional supplementation with Bob’s mother. INITIAL CLINICAL OUTCOME: Trying to juggle school and work schedules, it took Bob and his parents almost 3 weeks to get started with the new dietary modifications. About 15 days later, Bob’s mother started noticing that Bob’s post-lunch glucose levels were dropping. After consulting with his physician, she reduced Bob’s pre-lunch insulin dosage by 2 units. This trend continued over the next few weeks. FIVE MONTHS LATER: Bob’s insulin needs are already reduced by over one-third (6 units 3 times a day). On this lower insulin intake, his fasting glucose levels never go above 125mg/dl, and his 2-hour post prandial levels range between 120 and 150mg /dl. His glucose levels have reduced by two-thirds. His most recent HbA1c reading was substantially reduced from 8 to 5.1%. He is an active teenager and has noticed a significant improvement in his energy level and mental concentration. Bob’s parents are very pleased with their son’s progress and will continue with the LRA by ELISA/ACT tests and treatment program. They plan to get Bob retested in the next few months to find out how well his immune, neurohormonal, digestive, and detoxification systems have repaired. ELISA/ACT BIOTECHNOLOGIES L LC • 109 Carpenter Dr. Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20164 phone: 703.450.2980 • 800.553.5472 • fax: 703.450.2981 • e-mail:
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