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Multivitamins help boost brain power

We hear it all the time – you should be taking multivitamins daily! Some of us listen, some of us turn the other cheek. However, maybe this piece of information from the Korea Times will shed some light on this subject. Multivitamins containing water soluble vitamins including vitamin B and C can contribute to boosting manpower, according to David O. Kennedy, biological psychology at Northumbria University in the United Kingdom. "The functioning of the brain is entirely dependent on an adequate supply of water soluble vitamins, most of which are actively transported into, and concentrated in, brain tissue," Kennedy said. "Vitamin C is particularly concentrated in the most metabolically active tissue." Kennedy states that humans require 30 vitamins including vitamin A, D, E and K as well as nine water soluble vitamins including B and C. "Whilst epidemiological evidence of a correlation between vitamin C intake and brain function or dementia is somewhat equivocal, stronger evidence of such relationships exists from research involving direct measurements of biochemical levels of vitamin C, including in cerebrospinal fluid," Kennedy said. In research that measured the changes in body metabolism of 97 healthy females aged from 25 to 49 for eight weeks, Kennedy discovered that the intake of multivitamins improved brain function, psychological function and cerebral blood-flow.
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