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Sunchoke Hash Recipe (Serves 4)

Sunchoke is also known as Jerusalem Artichoke - tuberous roots of a Native North American plant. Its nutty sweetness most immediately lends itself to raw salads, soft purées and creamy soups. It serves as a great potato chip alternative packed with prebiotic goodness, we combine vitamin C-rich brussel sprouts with sunchokes in this easy to make recipe which can be enjoyed by all. Ingredients: 3-4 sunchokes, sliced thinly (we blanch them first) 5-6 brussel sprouts, sliced thinly (optional) Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste Drizzle of truffle oil or rosemary infused extra virgin olive oil (optional) Spring onion garnish, finely sliced Plunk sunchokes into a bowl of cold water right after slicing them. Rinse three times in cold water, then pat very dry to slow oxidation so the sunchokes stay colorless. Warm a saute pan over medium heat, add oil or ghee. Add sliced brussel sprouts and sunchokes; sauté until sprouts and sunchokes are cooked through, about four minutes. If you coarse chop the sunchokes, you can make a delicious hash on a medium high-heat griddle.
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