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Mini-Retreat: Making Lemonade and More Now

As a skeptic who could be described as an insecure overachiever, it is my privilege to be able to share with you some ideas that will improve habits and promote life-long well-being while reducing risks substantially. So, what might you choose to do in this moment? These suggestions are organized around choices of what we EAT, DRINK, THINK, and DO. Eat (Consume) What we eat matters
  • Choose biodynamic or organic or kitchen garden or food coop (CSA).
  • Eat more salads, beans, lentils, grasses, herbs, edible flowers, nuts and sprouts.
  • My salads are yummy and naked (dressing free since we do not use edible oils).
  • You may want to check your digestive transit time.
    • Eat what you can digest, assimilate and eliminate without immune burden.
  • Eat your calories (food) during a six hour time window. Allow digestion to recover and restore you the other 18 hours.
Drink (Hydrate) Most people are slightly dehydrated and this burdens kidneys, heart, brain and other organs.
  • Do a self-assessment of your hydration status.
  • Drink mineral rich water in quantities sufficient that you urinate every few hours while awake.
    • A simple way to encourage hydration is: Set a carafe of water (or herbal beverage) in front of you with a cup. If the cup is full, drink. If the cup is empty, fill it. Repeat. If not now when will we unburden ourselves through adequate hydration.
  • While sipping on adult beverages can be relaxing, use with moderation as in all things. For most people, a little is sufficient. If moderation is difficult, avoid entirely.
  • There are many teas and herbal beverages with health promoting benefits. Find the ones you prefer and enjoy.
Think (Mindfulness) Whatever the external stress of life, with practice, our inner environment can remain at peace; at poise; aware and grateful. Imagine being at the eye of a storm where profound quiet exists.
  • Having experienced the benefits of Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Aikido, stretching and myotherapy, my suggestion is to pick one and practice it for three or more months, continue and adopt another system for the next three months if you want. Perseverance furthers, as is often advised in the I Ching.
  • Use art, music or relaxation response practices to help calm and restore your mental equilibrium. For example, Joan Kellogg’s Mandala technique or Helen Bonny’s Music suggestions allow us to be in the moment as the mandala is created; in the moment as the music carries us to deeper self -awareness.
    • Relaxation response training has been scientifically confirmed to promote well-being and reduce distress, anxiety and fear.
  • Consider journaling (Intensive Journal, Dialogue House) or do peer co-counseling or read inspirational writings (Ariel Press, Books of Light) and watch uplifting videos.
  • You may want to sing, plant in a garden or hum (Thomas Jefferson, a grieving optimist, reported that humming helped him stay calm).
Do (Move) Walking is excellent exercise. Amble with awareness of how alive is nature. Walk in a forest or garden, known as forest bathing in Japan. There are several recommended options. The relationship with the mentor is important. Systems to explore include: Practice gratitude for what we have. Rejoice in your portion. What happens outside us is largely outside our control. What happens inside us is our choice. Every tradition and culture have wisdom learnings. If not now, when is the time to dip into the universal reservoir of wisdom and practice to guide us to meaningful moments and long, healthier life. 800-553-5472 800-525-7372
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