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LRA tests require a blood sample. Blood collection fees are not included in purchase price of the test. See Blood Draw Options for information about how to have your blood sample collected. Please note: For children under the age of two, the mother should be tested and the results applied to the child.

Hi, I’m Thom, thanks for dropping by.

I know what it is like to struggle with fatigue, weight gain, and poor health. I’ve come a long way on my own weight loss journey. Now, I want to empower you with the knowledge and tools that I’ve gained to help you realize your full healthy lifestyle potential.

“Never, never, never give up” ~Winston Churchill

Don’t be afraid to make that change. It’s not as hard as you might think. I can help you find the strength to make positive changes in your life. What’s the worst that can happen? You’ll become happier, you have more energy, and hear people say “WOW, you’re looking AMAZING today!” So let’s get started on your AMAZING journey TODAY! Less pain, more energy, and better health. I don’t believe in crazy diets or extreme exercise programs but rather in easy, healthy lifestyle changes that last a lifetime. Win the War on Weight Loss…Not Just the Battle Weight loss as is practiced in the United States should be abandoned. The ‘Calories In, Calories Out’ approach is a revolving door to weight loss, that fails to fix the underlying problem which causes weight gain in the first place, and stops you keeping it off for good. This idea of weight loss focuses on gimmicky approaches that make inflated claims. In the end, you’re in no better shape for long-term weight management than when you started. You end up the victim The best options center on the application of functional medicine. Functional medicine is the restoration of normal physiological function, thereby allowing the body to heal on its own.
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