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Foods to Avoid During “Detox”

To achieve the greatest success there are certain foods you should avoid during any detox program. Below are the foods to avoid and some healthier alternatives. Avoid… Sugar Refined sugar, including sucrose, high fructose corn syrup and dextrose containing products. Artificial sweeteners Stevia and Agave are healthier options. Fruits and fresh fruit juices are preferred. Processed foods Instead of snacking on chips, candy and cookies, try to snack on nuts and seeds as a healthier source. Alkalinizing suggestions include sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds and cashews. Instead of ready-made dressings, apple cider vinegar and olive oil with lemon are healthier choices. Refined flour products Avoid doughnuts, cakes and cookies, white rice and pasta. Wheat and other gluten containing grains in general are hard to digest and should be minimized. Grasses like Quinoa and amaranth and brown rice are healthier options. Red meat and dairy products Milk, butter and other dairy products should be kept to a minimum. For many people, cow dairy is difficult to digest and can impede the process of detoxification. Red meat can be fattening and add to the toxic load. Better protein sources include fish, beans and legumes. Caffeine & Alcohol Coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, black tea, sodas and other drinks containing caffeine should be avoided. Green tea, ginger tea and herbal teas are good substitutes for coffee. It is essential that you stay well hydrated during the complete detox process. Drinking pure water all day long is recommended. Squeezing lemon or lime is a simple alkalinizing addition. High amounts of table salt Sea salt is healthier choice. Find more alkalinizing and healthy choices of foods, in Joy in Living: The Alkaline Way”.
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